Glory Halleluyah. Somebody up there loves me. First No Doubt, and now Blink? Is this actually happening? And is it a coincidence that my two favorite bands that I last saw in concert together are reuniting in the same year? The same, previously sucky year? Does Obama have something to do with this?? Life just got so much brighter...
Their official statement:
"Hi. We're Blink-182. This past week there've been a lot of questions about the current status of the band, and we wanted you to hear it straight from us. To put it simply, We're back. We mean, really back. Picking up where we left off and then some. In the studio writing and recording a new album. Preparing to tour the world yet again. Friendships reformed. 17 years deep in our legacy. Summer 2009. Thanks and get ready."
At the Grammys tonight, Mark, Travis, and an awkward Tom hit the stage together for the first time in 4 years to present Best Rock Album to Coldplay. Seeing the grown, ex-best friends in their familiar threesome (ha) almost brought tears to my eyes. Look out for the crazy trio in the summer... until then, I'll be tracking their whereabouts like a bloodhound. So check back for updates.

"... and that's why comebacks are having the Best Week Ever!"
I'm VERY excited for Blink 182 to come back. I'd like for them to establish themselves as a band that can make it in the 21st century (aka isn't just another 90's washup band)