Sunday, March 15

Video of the Week: Higher by Theophilus London


Allow me to formally introduce you to the new face of hip hop. Indie culture has infiltrated the hip hop scene, and artists like Mr. Theophilus here are gradually stealing the spotlight from the Jim Jones gangsta types. This video, featured on YouTube, highlights the urban art of NYC, instead of gang violence. This song, whether you're feeling it or not, is spiritual, and not materialistic. This kid, in the nerdy skater spirit of Pharell, Lupe, and Kid Cudi, is changing the game. He may lack the street cred, but he's got something that today's hip hop is losing: purpose. And passion. And effort. Better get used to those dork-glasses, skinny jeans, and purple sweatshirts! You won't find many half-naked women around here.

*Didn't like the song? Play the track below... it epitomizes Theo's electro-dance style.

{Kanye warned us with "Love Lockdown" and "Heartless"... hip hop's going emo!}

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